What Major?

I prefer to work on my own instead of in a group.
I consider myself to be a people person.
I feel that I am good with numbers and excel at math.
I consider myself to be a strong leader.
I prefer to keep my workspace clean and uncluttered.
I am squeamish around bodily fluids.
I enjoy tinkering on projects around the house.
I am the type who sets concrete goals for my future.
I consider myself to be a self-starter.
I enjoy going to school and learning.
I tend to live in the moment and do not consider myself to be a planner.
I enjoy reading.
I consider myself to be athletic.
I tend to follow my gut when it comes to life choices.
I am very analytical and enjoy research.
Art, music, and theater are important to me.
I enjoy helping others.
I would prefer to work in a remote capacity.
I enjoy learning about new software and technology.
I consider myself to be creative and innovative.
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