Your personality is well-suited for a major in Trade and Industry. Careers that result from this major include construction, welder, plumber, and electrician.
Your personality is well-suited for a major in Philosophy. Careers that result from this major include teaching, working for a non-profit organization, and public relations directors.
Your personality is well-suited for a major in Science. Careers that result from this major include biologists, teachers, researchers, and laboratory technicians.
Your personality is well-suited for a major in Education. Careers that result from this major include teachers, guidance counselors, consultants, and school administrators.
Your personality is well-suited for a major in Law. Careers that result from this major include attorneys, professors, or working for non-profit organizations.
Your personality is well-suited for a major in Psychology. Careers that result from this major include counselors, social workers, and human resources.
Your personality is well-suited for a major in Medicine. Careers that result from this major include nursing, pharmacist, chiropractor, or a variety of types of medical doctor.